Tuesday, April 28, 2015

1972andesflightdisaster Lament

It's here! It's finally here! California screamo band 1972andesflightdisaster released songs! Get ready to fucking cry! I've been waiting to hear these songs after watching live videos of them on YouTube.I became a fan instantly.I also had a chance to talk with singer Zach witch was awesome and he mentioned that they were recording songs to release and that's exactly what they did.Here it is, Lament.This EP is sad, noisy, loud, heavy, and sad.Also did I mentioned that it's sad? Just the way I like it.The way screamo should be.My favorite song off this EP is the first track A Winkled Love Note From Sun Cafe.I admit that when listening to this EP I shed tears.This is really really really good stuff.I also dig the Jeromes Dream cover! I highly suggest you check it out if you're into loud and sad screamo music.These guys will not disappoint you! And they do not I repeat, they do NOT sound like Deafheaven.Hoping to see these guys do a tour in the future because I really need to see these guys live.


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Got a lot of reviews coming up!

There's been some new stuff coming out that I'm dying to review and post up! Right now I'm working on reviewing the ex Hollow Point TX band Null witch will be up sometime next week.1972andesflightdisaster has released Lament on their bandcamp and I'll be sharing that today! It's really good!  Keep a look out :)

Monday, April 20, 2015

1972andesflightdisaster Interview

I've said this before and I'll say it again, the best hardcore/screamo bands are the ones that puts so much emotion into their music! I'm talking about RAW AS FUCK! For example, The Spirit Of Versailles, Usurp Synapse, Phasma Phasmatis, and Jeromes fucking Dream! These are my favorite kind of screamo bands.Don't get me wrong, a lot of old screamo bands haves that raw, emotional feel to it but there are some that takes it to the next level.Next level I mean by crying, screaming, letting out all that anger inside at shows to the point where the audience starts crying as well.These are my kind of bands.I like looking up new upcoming screamo bands to jam to and I have came across that band.I've met an awesome guy name Zach on Tumblr and he told me about his band so I looked them up and I'm glad he told me about it because they are awesome! They go by the name 1972andesflightdisaster and they are from California.The sound reminds me of Jeromes Dream and Neil Perry with a hint of Portraits Of Past.I was blown away after watching a video of their first show on YouTube! What stuck out to me about this band is how much emotion they put into their music.That's my kind of screamo! They don't have anything recorded yet but there is videos of them live you can find on YouTube and they worth watching.So talking to Zach on Tumblr and watching their videos, I've decided to interview Zach to get to know the band a little better.This is my first interview ever! Hope you enjoy the read!

t: First things first, can you state your name and what you do in the band?

Z: My name is Zach Ryan and I sing for 1972andesflightdisaster

t: When and where was 1972andesflightdisaster born? How long have you guys been active?

Z: The idea came about around August of 2013, me and a friend named john dove had this idea of having a screamo band with an absurdly long name. But John lives in South Carolina, so I shared it with my good friend Christian Simac, and he was really into the idea. Christian sings for this really rad soviet post punk band called Gulag a Go Go and shared the idea with the guitarist of his band, Ryan Fairchild, and so the idea was formed. Gulag a go go had a show in December, and Christian decided to book 1972 on this show. And Christian solidified the line up with Adryan on drums, Quinn Herman on bass, Ryan on guitar and originally both Christian and I singing. So in short we've been around sense December of 2014. 

t: That's awesome! How has people's reactions been to the band so far? I know after watching the video of the first show on YouTube, a lot of people there were into you guys witch is always awesome to see when playing your first show ever!

Z: It's been really positive! Which is strange you know? Our first show was great and honestly they've just gotten better and better, we've become good friends with a lot of bands that are fucking incredible honestly, so it's been really fun. And the crowd reaction has been pretty positive! I just wish we had more stuff filmed, we had our first set filmed and a few songs from our set filmed, but we're trying to be more diligent about it so hopefully there will be more evidence of us actually playing shows!

t: Totally understand! I also forgot to mention on the bands first show ever was that were you guys nervous that day? Like nervous on how y'all were gonna sound that night or how would people react to it? I know every starting band goes through this and it's totally normal because I had major anxieties on my bands first show haha

Z: I think to a certain extent yes we were, we weren't concerned with how we would be received, because from day 1 this has always been a form of cathartic release for us. I think we just didn't want to fuck anything up and let each other down. We've all played in other bands so the preshow jitters weren't an issue as much as just worrying about making sure we were all able to compliment each other sonically. But I know exactly how nerve racking playing first shows can be, I've puked before sets with other bands I've been in and that shit is no fun hahah! 

t: Well that's good it doesn't bother you guys anymore! Now the main thing I want to talk about is the sound.I really love the way you guys sound! I like seeing all you guys put so much emotion in the music especially the vocals! In my opinion bands that put so much emotion into their music is the way screamo/hardcore should be! Reminds me of Jeromes Dream.Is there a certain sound you guys are shooting for or are y'all trying to come up with your own sound?

Z: Ya so I'm pretty happy about that! Ah yeah the brass tax! Well first of all, thank you so much, I really appreciate it dude! Well as far as our sound goes we have a lot of eclectic influences that definitely influence our sound. Honestly even mentioning our name in the same sentence as Jeromes dream is so humbling and means so much. But we try and craft our own sound, but also want something that would fit in with all of the bands we really love from the 90's and early 2000's and in a weird sense make music we want to hear. 

t: No problem man! That's cool! Are you guys planning on recording your songs soon to put out on Bandcamp/Soundcloud etc.?

Z: Yes we are! I'm currently in Texas, while the rest of the band is in California, but I get back on the 21st and we record all day on the 22nd then play in Escondido on the 23rd. Bad break records should be putting that out for us

t: Woo nice can't wait to hear it! So I know when it comes to screamo music the thing that stands out is the lyrics.How does the writing process goes for you guys? Who writes most of the lyrics in the band? 

Z: It should be pretty fun I'm looking forward to it! As for as the lyrics go I do the lions share of the writing, as well as Ryan(guitar). I hope this doesn't sound pretentious but, fuck it, for the process I read that Faulkner only wrote from to six am, and so I try and do that as much as possible. That's usually when I am the most full of despair, and lament. my writing has gotten changed sense I stopped taking my antidepressants, and the lyrical content has shifted more from a sense of anger and longing for the past to having a more objective look at past and current relationships, loss of family and friends, absurdism and existentialism, as well as class struggle and it's heavily influenced by people like Mayakovsky, Camus and Sartre. I write a lot of poetry and short stories so my song structure is influenced by that a lot. But Ryan is a fucking genius musically, as well as Quinn and Adryan. So we will be hanging out and Ryan will say he has an idea for a song, start playing it, then Adryan and Quinn will come in on drums and bass respectively and we will play through it once, and discuss structure and then we will run through it with vocals then we practice it to the point we can't fuck it up haha. Our practices can get rough hahah 

t: That's actually pretty fucking cool! I really like bands that are influenced by philosophers and poets! Reminds me of Orchid! As I said before, seeing you guys play with so much emotion is amazing.Does playing these songs help you guys vent out all that emotion? Get through hard times?

Z: Thank you so much dude! Orchid both sonically and lyrically have had a very profound impact on my life as well as most of the members of 1972. 1972 has saved my life, that is for sure, that's not to say I don't contemplate suicide or get caught up in my depression on an almost daily basis, but having it be a release for me is so helpful. I think that's why early on I had opted out of the use of a microphone because it felt so organic, and raw. Eventually I turned to the use of one for personal reasons. But my goal before every set or every show is too either cough up blood or pass out, and hopefully do both!

t: That's awesome! We all have a special band in our lives that helps us get over tough times.Mine is Saves The Day! Speaking of blood, I saw the latest video of your guys playing and you did a blade job during the set! Fucking crazy dude! Were people freaking out when you started bleeding? That also reminds me of the photo of the bass player of PG.99 bleeding!

ZMan, saves the day always has a perfect song for like every fucking emotion hahaha. Oh man! That show was wild! Yeah it was fucking insane people started crying and walking out and my blood was just going everywhere it was really wild and a really good time! I was torn between going for the throat or the face so I just ended up going for the face, it was a really fun thing to do, but it caused a bit of a ruckus and long story short I ended up cleaning It all up with Ryan. But Nico(the singer of vril) took a picture of me and I look like cactus jack so I'm really amped on that. I'm sure I will do it more in the future when I'm having a really shit day hahah!

t: Hahaha nice man! Crazy shit! Blood and hardcore! lol Well I think it's time we close this interview out.Do you have any final words you wanna say? Any upcoming shows? A Facebook page or Tumblr that people can you reach you guys at?

Z: Haha the way it should be! I want to thank you to gulag a go go, recluse, vril, bridge, and everyone who has come to our shows and and enjoyed it or hated it or felt something. And especially for everyone that's bummed out and enjoys sad music. Our Facebook is Facebook.com/1972andes and the tumblr I post most things about on is screamonotskramz.tumblr.com
Thank you so much for the interview and being a homie and enjoying the music, Timmy. I'm in Texas for a few more days, so hopefully we can split a couple beers and talk about sad music

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Phasma Phasmatis

When it comes to emo/screamo or in short "skramz" tunes, I like my stuff raw, emotional, and noisy.Of course the couple of bands that'll probably come to your head is Usurp Synapse, Jeromes Dream, or The Spirit Of Versailles.But there's one band I think that needs a lot of attention and that band is Phasma Phasmatis.Phasma was a 4 piece short lived screamo/hardcore band formed in the fall of 2002 in Oklahoma and disbanded in the summer of 2003.I found out about these guys in the late 2003/2004 on Myspace when I was searching for new hardcore bands to listen to.After listening to their track An Infinite Static Universe I was blown away on how fucking awesome these guys sound! What caught me about this band is how raw the vocal style was.Full of emotion and very high pitched witch reminds of The Spirit Of Versailles.Believe it or not there is a name for this style and people have called it "Kittencore."Phasma Phasmatis toured with She Notes The Chariots and Sine Nomine back when they were active.They only released a demo CD that had five tracks on it.One of the tracks is an instrumental track witch is really fucking good and I still listen to it on repeat to this day.At the time they were selling copies of it on their old website and also included a button when purchased.They also had live tracks on their website labeled "This is what Phasma sounds like on drugs" playing at Springfield Skatepark and had a track of a song I have never heard before called Determine To Spell Potpourri.When they disbanded the members of Phasma went on to start other projects.Singer Chris Stanton started a noise project called Jigsaw Rhetoric (witch is really awesome by the way) Bass player Hank and drummer Pat started a band called The Outer Space, and Stanton said that guitarist Chris Prater still lives in Oklahoma and plays in a church band.Their demo can be found on multiple Blogspot's and on YouTube.There is also a live video of them on YouTube I highly suggest you check out of them playing their song The Prostitutes Brought Me Flowers.Even though Phasma Phasmatis was short lived and only had five tracks to the public, this band is still amazing and still remains the gods of Kittencore on CMHWAK.Give these guys a listen.I promise they will not disappoint.

Here's their track An Infinite Static Universe   

Here's a live video of them singer Chris uploaded on YouTube playing their song The Prostitutes Brought Me Flowers

And last here's a live track of them playing at Springfield Skatepark.I also have other live tracks at this place on my YouTube you can check out

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Let The Pain Begin!

This is a start of a music blog I've been planning on making for a long time! Music, photography, events, and other bullshit will be on this blog!